Web-based Training Course Attendance Confirmation Form

By answering the following questions, you will be deemed to have taken the web-based training course.

    Furigana (required)

    Full name (required)

    Affiliation (required)
     Fill in the other information below.

    Laboratory, etc.

    Title/Academic Year (required)


    E-mail address (required) [The box may disappear due to your browser's environment]
       ↓ Click here

    Please answer the following questions.

    1. Who is responsible for using the facility?
    Research representative (Supervisor)StudentFacility staff


    2. Is user registration required every year?
    Necessary.Not necessary.Just do it once.


    3. What is wrong with the instruction on facilities and equipment?
    Visit during business hours of 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.Make an appointment before visiting.You are free to visit at anytime.


    4. To what floor can I use the elevator (unless you have large luggage)?
    2nd floor3rd floor4th floor


    5. Most of the laboratories in the facility are approved as genetic modification laboratories, what is prohibited in a genetic modification laboratories?
    Use of PCsLearningEating and drinking


    6. Which of the following is true about off-limits rooms?
    On the 1st floor only.On the 2nd floor only.On the 3rd floor only.On all floors.


    7. Inside the facility, you wear the indoor shoes provided by the facility, but where on the blue mat should you put them on?
    Wear from outside of the blue mat.Wear them on the blue mat.


    8. Which of the following is true regarding chemical management, waste disposal, and cleaning?
    Everything is done by each user under their own responsibility.The facility staff will do them.


    9. What should be written in the provided usage note after using the instruments? (Multiple choice)
    Student ID numberNameAffiliationCheck before and after use




    After doing a final check, press "Send" button (If you have any comments, please write them in the "Remarks" column).

    [confirm "Confirm"]

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