分光光度計(ナノドロップ ND-8000)取扱説明会



  • 日時:2009年9月4日(金曜日)
    午前10時00分~午前10時40分 定員5名
    午前11時00分~午前11時40分 定員5名
    午前13時00分~午前13時40分 定員5名
    午後14時00分~午後14時40分 定員5名
  • 内容:
    1. ND8000について概要説明 (10分)
    2. 基本操作およびアプリケーションの説明 (25分)
    3. アプリケーションの紹介 (10分)
    4. 質疑応答 (5分)
  • 場所:遺伝子実験施設 試料調製室(2F)
  • 担当:エル・エム・エス 担当 黒瀬純志



  • 日時 8月18日 (火曜日) 午後3時から午後5時まで
  • 場所 遺伝子実験施設 1階 セミナー室
  • 講演 Special function unit in spermatic cord region
  • 講師 Dr. Worawut RERKAMNUAYCHOKE (タイ王立カセサート大学 獣医学部 准教授)
  • 概要

    Testicular artery and vein in the spermatic cord region play a major role in temperature regulation of testis through heat exchange mechanism.
    In addition, counter-current transfer of several kinds of substances,
    especially testosterone hormone, as well as gas between testicular artery and vein in the spermatic cord region has been demonstrated in several kinds of animals including man. Recently, using blood flow method showed blood bypassed the testis between 28 – 46%. Many suggestions were raised to explain this phenomenon, such as, the mechanism may be accomplished by arterio-venous anastomosis in the cord or it may be done by diffusion. In order to fulfill the requirements of the target organs (testis or epididymis), it is considered that the structure of testicular artery and vein in the cord has been modified. However, the morphological architecture which regards to this evidence in the cord has not been fully understood.

    The aims of these studies were designed to evaluate any kind of special function unit that presents in spermatic cord region. Six species of animals, golden hamster, swine, common tree shrew, variable squirrel squirrel, Asian musk shrews and lesser mouse deer, were studied by light and transmission electron microscopies as well as corrosion cast techniques combined with scanning electron microscopy.

    The special function unit was found in spermatic cord region in these studies and could be classified as primary and secondary modifications. The primary modifications were shared characters such as convoluted testicular artery, thinner vascular walls between testicular artery and apposition vein as well as anastomosis between veins. While, the secondary modifications were considered to be species – dependent characters. This secondary modifications contained with vesiculated cells and direct arterio-venous anastomosis between testicular artery and vein in common tree shrew and variable squirrel, vesiculated capillary complex in lesser mouse deer, venous portal system in swine, endothelial bridge of the venous walls as well as abundance mast cells in the base of the protruding venous wall in golden hamster and extratesticular Leydig cell in Asian musk shrew.




■ Dip&Readの高速で容易かつリアルタイムな計測
BLI(Bio-Layer Inter ferometry)法を用いたディスポーザプルバイオセンサーを採用。Dip&Readの高速できわめて容易かつリアルタイム計測を実現しています。
■ メンテナンスフリー
■ ハイスループット&設計自由なアッセイ

  • 日時:2009年7月23日(木曜) 13時00分~14時20分
  • 場所:遺伝子実験施設 セミナー室(1F)
  • 内容:
    1. 製品概要説明(40分)
    2. 個別アプリケーション説明(30分)
    3. 質疑応答(10分)